Core Message Audit™ Service

Let’s Update (or Overhaul) Your Marketing
Messages… and Really Make Them Pop!

Message development is the most important aspect of building your brand. It’s what grabs your audience and compels them to move from being prospects to customers.

If your prospects aren’t responding to your offers, the problem may not be your product or service. It could be your messaging.

But how do you know where you’re going wrong? And if you do know, how do you fix it?

And, if you’ve recently generated several pages of AI copy… how do you discern what’s good from what’s just generic robo-flow?

The Answer Is My Core Message Audit™ Service

I’ll draw from my 30 years of experience and pinpoint how you can enhance your marketing messages so they grab and hold the attention of your avatar.

I’ll review current marketing materials, stuff like…

  • Website copy
  • Sales pages
  • Video scripts
  • Emails and landing pages

I’ll then compile a list of my observations (the good, the bad, and the ugly).

Next, I’ll give you in-depth recommendations that detail how to make your marketing copy more compelling, persuasive, and customer-focused.

What I Deliver

You’ll receive a custom 10- to 12-page document loaded with detailed suggestions for making your marketing content more enticing, dynamic, and “sticky”.

My recommendations will be based on a 9-point evaluation that details how you can:

  1. Improve your headlines – Headlines are by far the most valuable real estate in marketing. I’ll make sure you know exactly how to leverage this all-important space.
  2. Make your copy more concise and customer-focused – To gain the respect of your prospects, your copy has to focus more on them, and less on you and your company.
  3. Communicate your message through a distinct and unique VOICE –  Is your authentic style one that is edgy, humorous, authoritative, nurturing, sarcastic, or academic? I’ll help you identify YOUR voice, and suggest how all your content can be written through it.
  4. Write benefit-driven body copy that captivates prospects – Your audience will be drawn to you when you create messages that illustrate the transformation they’ll experience after using your product or service.
  5. Develop sharp, attention-getting bullet points – Benefit-driven bullets should read like a series of short powerful punches that pack a lot of heat.
  6. Craft compelling copy that is inviting to the eye – If your copy doesn’t look fast and easy to get through, no one will read it. So the way you “present” your marketing content means everything.
  7. Tell stories that capture and hold your prospects’ interest – Nothing grabs readers like good storytelling. I’ll show you how to use this powerful tool to energize your messaging.
  8. Create call-to-action lines that are confident and commanding – Prospects are waiting for you to tell them what to do next. Do you know how to fully take advantage of this? I’ll make sure you do.
  9. Build persuasive value demonstrations – I’ll detail secrets to writing copy that get prospects to focus on the value and quality you provide. Instead of the price you charge.

PLUS, your package includes an hour Zoom call during which we’ll discuss the recommendations I make in your Core Message Audit™. 

Your package price is $2,995. Again, this includes 10 to 12 pages of detailed messaging recommendations — and a one-hour Zoom consultation call.

Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today!

Contact me to set up your FREE 30-minute consultation. We’ll talk about how my Core Message Audit™ can breathe new life (and personality!) into your marketing messages.