by Casey Demchak | Dec 10, 2015 | Key Message Copy Platforms
In my last post, I revealed why a Core Message Platform should be the first marketing piece you create for your products, services and books. Today I’m going to provide a quick review of what a Core Message Platform is, and then give you a structure for creating one...
by Casey Demchak | Dec 3, 2015 | Key Message Copy Platforms
It’s a simple fact. When your prospects are presented with inconsistent or muddled marketing messages, they instinctively say, “No,” and move on. However, creating consistent selling statements throughout your marketing materials can be difficult. Especially when...
by Casey Demchak | Nov 24, 2015 | Copywriting Techniques
I love great questions. In fact, asking yourself the right questions can instantly motivate you and put you in a dynamic mindset. Here are a few that illustrate my point: How can I turn this disappointment into a new opportunity? What can I do to make today the most...
by Casey Demchak | Nov 11, 2015 | Copy Heavy
The questions are being asked continually in marketing communication circles. Should your marketing content be copy heavy or copy light? Should your web pages be detailed with specifics, or should they just be a short series of buzz lines that are quick and easy to...
by Casey Demchak | Oct 13, 2015 | Headlines
You work hard on every word of your sales copy. But here’s a cold hard truth. Most people will only skim it before they decide if they want to read it. This may not seem fair. But that’s the way it is. However, here is a proven copywriting strategy that will help you...