How to Describe Your Book in a Nutshell by Casey Demchak, expert in copywriting

In recent posts I’ve been detailing each step in my 9-step formula for writing conversational book marketing copy for your book’s sales page, eblasts, back cover copy, Amazon description, and more.

So far I’ve covered:

Step 1: Create a basic headline that states or implies a promise
Step 2: Agitate a desire, need, or challenge facing your reader
Step 3: Paint a solution picture of what life will look like when your reader’s need has been met

This week I cover Step 4, which is how to describe your book in a nutshell by emphasizing its core benefit for readers.

Being able to quickly convey the primary benefit of your book to readers is essential to your long-term book promotion.

Remember, readers are not interested in hearing what your book is about. They want to know how they’ll benefit from your book. So this is what you need to focus on when describing your book.

To find out how simple it can be to write a nutshell description of your book that instantly
engages readers, watch this week’s Book Marketing Copy Quick Tip video.



Focus on What Readers Will Gain from Your Book

Authors often make the mistake of describing their book by creating a long and complicated thesis statement that summarizes what their book is about.

Instead, you want to create a relatively simple statement that hooks readers by setting up the central benefit readers will take away from your book.

You can then follow up this “nutshell” description of your book with more extensive benefit-driven copy that details what readers will gain from your book.

Again, you want your book description to focus on what readers will get out of your book, not on what your book is about. I provide more detail and examples of how to do this in this week’s video.

Here are some of the key points I touch on.

Describe your book in a crisp, tight statement that …

  • Reveals your book’s central promise.
  • Touches on what readers will gain from it.
  • Arouses your reader’s desire to learn more.

Further draw in your audience by following these guidelines:

  • Provide detail and keep it simple.
  • Avoid hype, fluff, and clichés.
  • Be authentic, believable, and clear.

Here is another key point: If you focus your copy on what readers will gain from your book, it will be quite clear to them what your book is about.

I dive deeper into all of these points in this week’s video, so I urge you to check it out.

Next week, I’ll detail Step 5 in my 9-step formula for writing conversational marketing copy that sells more books.

Until then, take action and make things happen!


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