How to blend mental triggers into your marketing copy - Part 2

Illicit positive emotional reactions in your prospect’s mind

In my last post, I introduced you to the technique of blending mental triggers into your book marketing copy.

I stressed that using mental triggers gives you the ability to create positive emotional reactions in your readers, without feeling as though you’ve tricked or manipulated them.

The three mental triggers I covered last week touched on how to …

  1. Give your book promotion the feel of an exclusive event
  2. Use storytelling to captivate your audience
  3. Stir up your readers’ emotions

This week, in part two of my three-part series, I introduce you to three more mental triggers you can use to make your book marketing copy more energized and dynamic.

To attract new fans and sell more books, I highly recommend that you blend mental triggers into your marketing copy so you can gain the edge you need to stand out in a hyper-crowded market.

To discover how to build three more mental triggers into your marketing copy,
click through and check out this week’s Book Marketing Copy Quick Tip video.



Be Simple, Authentic, and Certain

If you want to connect more deeply with your audience, learning how to blend mental triggers into your book marketing copy is a must.

There is an extensive list of mental triggers you can leverage when writing promotional copy. However, in this three part series I am showing you nine of my favorites that I’m sure you can use to great effect.

Here is a summary of the three I teach you about in part two of this series. I dig into each of them in more detail in this week’s video, so be sure to watch it.

  1. Likeability: People buy more quickly from authors they know, like and trust. So make it a point to inject humor, vulnerability, and stories about yourself into your book marketing copy.
  2. Simplicity: Keep your message brief and to the point. Be complete, but concise. Don’t over-intellectualize your copy. Remember, no one will ever complain that your book marketing copy is too easy to read and digest.
  3. Be Definitive and Certain: Be very confident and certain with your opinions. Take a stand and be definite. Establish yourself as a thought leader by standing firmly behind everything you say.

Again, I talk more in-depth about all three of these mental triggers in this week’s video, so I urge you to watch it.

Until next week when I’ll be back with my final three mental triggers, take action and make things happen!


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