9 Simple Steps that Motivate Readers to Buy Books by Casey Demchak, expert in copywriting

Writing strong book marketing copy is essential to every author’s book launch and long-term promotion campaign.

Well-written marketing copy gives you and your book a more professional polish, which is vital if you intend to stand out in a crowded market and sell a lot of books.

Professionally-crafted book marketing content is also much more likely to motivate readers to buy your book NOW instead of later …or never.

Over the last several weeks I’ve shared insights with you about how the “sales” copy you write for your books and online programs can have the same tone as a casual conversation between you and your audience.

No hype or fluff needed.

I’ve discussed how you can establish an authentic voice and style that increases the “know me, like me, trust me” factor with potential book buyers.

I’ve also taught you techniques that will help you write book marketing copy that is sincere and believable.

This week I introduce you to a highly-effective 9-step formula you can follow to write sales pages, eblasts, back cover copy, and other book marketing content in a simple conversational style.

To check out my 9-step formula, click through and
watch this week’s Book Marketing Copy Quick Tip video.



Proven 9 Step Formula

I have several time-tested copywriting blueprints that I leverage when writing marketing copy. However, over the years I’ve used this one the most when writing for authors who are serious about selling a lot of books and building their fan base.

Over the coming weeks I’ll go over each of these nine steps in greater detail, but this week I begin by giving you a high-level view of all nine steps.

Step 1: Create basic headlines that state a promise or benefit
Step 2: Agitate a desire, need or challenge
Step 3: Paint a solution picture of what life can look like when that need or desire is met
Step 4: Describe your solution (your book) in a nutshell, emphasizing its main benefit
Step 5: Detail additional benefits and takeaways with bullet points
Step 6: Back your benefit statements with proof – endorsements and/or your background
Step 7: Write a strong close that re-emphasizes your book’s main benefit
Step 8: Write a confident call to action that stresses value
Step 9: Include a juicy P.S. line that introduces a bonus

I outline these steps more thoroughly in this week’s video, so I urge you to watch it.

Once again, over the coming weeks I’ll examine each of these nine steps in specific detail.

Until next week, take action and make things happen!


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