In my day-to-day career copywriting for coaches and authors, the one question I receive on a continual basis is this: “How do I get good testimonial quotes for my books and programs when the people I want to get them from are so darn busy?” 

This is a good question, and it’s one many authors, coaches and speakers struggle with when we’re developing their Core Message Platform™.

However, I have a simple solution to this challenge that may surprise you.

But first this. My area of expertise is message development and writing marketing materials for books and online programs. So, I’m not going to cover how to obtain reviews from industry publications and newspapers. To be candid, that isn’t what I do.

However, I can tell you how to get great endorsement quotes for your books and online programs from respected industry experts.

My Million Dollar Secret!

Write the endorsement testimonials you want yourself …and then get noteworthy people to agree to put their names on them.

It’s that simple. I’ve written marketing materials for dozens of books that have become Amazon and international bestsellers, and I’ve used this endorsement gathering technique for many of them.

There’s nothing shifty about this strategy. In fact, it’s a common practice in book and program marketing circles.

Here’s How You Do It

Many of the authors and coaches for whom I’ve written Core Message Platforms have connections with folks who are well-known or influential in their market. As you put your marketing program together, make a list of key influencers you know.

Next, make a second list of people you know who can make an introduction for you to respected market influencers they know. Then, gather some great endorsements by following this simple four-step process.


Create a section in your Core Message Platform™ that is intended to house the endorsements you collect. Make a commitment to grow this section of your Platform continually!


Reach out to your list of “influencers” and ask them if they’d be willing to provide an endorsement for your book or program. Some will say, yes, and others will be too busy to respond. This is normal.


To those influencers who agree to provide an endorsement, send a synopsis of your book, or a detailed description of your online program – along with a list of endorsements you’ve written. In addition, send a note that includes a paragraph that says something like this:

I really appreciate you agreeing to provide me with an endorsement for my book/program. I know you’re busy, so to make it easy for you I have included a list of prewritten endorsements.

 Feel free to 1) select one written as is; or 2) select one and modify it to your liking; or 3) write your own original endorsement.

In my experience, nine out of 10 influencers have selected option #1 (select one written as is). This is how you get the exact endorsements you want by writing them yourself.

Again, this technique for gathering influencer endorsements is practiced every day in the book and program publishing world, so there is nothing sneaky about it.


Have influencers give consent via e-mail to the endorsements they agree to put their names on, and then file the e-mail in your electronic records. It’s also a good idea to print out these e-mails and keep them in a hard file.

Ever wonder how authors and coaches obtain crisp, dynamic, and hard-hitting endorsements from big name influencers? In many cases, this is how they do it …and you can too.


When you write your own endorsement quotes, keep them short and crisp. One to two lines is preferable …and three lines can also work. Potential buyers of your book or program will read endorsements if they are tight and sharp.

However, endorsements that are four or more lines look like they’d take too long to read, and they tend to be passed over and never read.

So, do everything you can to keep your endorsements short and punchy.


“This book is going to impact and transform a lot of lives for the better. I highly recommend it!”

“Finally, an online program that distills this complex topic down to five modules that are easy to understand and implement in your business.”

“Wow, I’ve read numerous books on this topic, but this is the one that brings the information together in a tone and style that I can grasp and take action on. A big thumbs up!”


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