AI Writing Policy

I am dedicated to writing marketing copy that is original and highly effective.

To do this, and to give your copy a distinct and memorable voice, I will always maintain my role of being your living, breathing, human copywriter.

This means I’ll be the one doing all of the strategic planning and line-by-line writing for you. You can always count on that.

However, I do use AI in a way that is comparable to having a pretty sharp copywriting assistant. For example, I may use AI to:

  • Transcribe an interview.
  • Summarize an article, web page, or video.
  • Research a topic and find reputable sources.
  • Provide information about a target market.
  • Brainstorm ideas for creative concepts or content topics.
  • Review a draft and recommend edits and improvements.
  • Play the role of your customer and tell me how persuasive the copy is from their POV.
  • Clean up all the dog hair drifting around my house. (Yeah, I wish!)

And please note… if you provide me with information that is confidential, I will NEVER input that information into an AI without your approval.

My bottom line is this:

Regardless of how I use AI tools, the writing I produce for you will always be MY original writing. When you work with me, you’ll be leveraging the 30 years of human experience I have writing enticing and effective marketing content.

I guarantee it.