Here is part 2 of my 12-point checklist that provides you with a proven structure for creating a wide variety of lead-generation sales pieces. In my previous post I stated this would be a three-part series—but I changed my mind and decided to just go for it and jam my remaining eight tips into this post.

So, before you stamp your next lead-generation piece FINAL, run it past this handy dandy checklist to make sure it is as engaging and effective as it should be. I’ll start by quickly recapping the first four points on my checklist, and then continue on with the remaining eight.

Best of luck with all your marketing campaigns! And remember to wake up every morning feeling like an absolute butt kicker.

1. Include a promise or product benefit in your headline.

2. Tie your first few lines of copy back to your headline.

3. Write in a conversational voice.

4. Use simple words and short sentences.

5. Talk about your prospects first. This makes your sales copy more about your prospects and less about you. Demonstrate that you understand their pain points and what keeps them up at night.

6. Propose your product or service as a solution. After you’ve established trust with your prospects by showing you understand their pain points, you now have the credibility to offer your product as a solution to their challenges. Lead with your unique selling proposition and do it with confidence and authority.

7. Use action-oriented bullet points. Tight, concise bullet points that start with action words such as eliminates, prevents, seals, saves, etc., are an excellent way to communicate your primary feature/benefit combinations. Always emphasize human-value benefits over technical features because that’s what your prospects care about the most.

8. Offer proof through believe builders. Always back your marketing claims up with some proof. Statistics, graphs, charts and testimonials are a great way to do this.

9. Make a strong offer. Every lead generation piece is built around a solid offer of some kind. It could be discount, a free giveaway or a free consultation. For greatest results, try to put a time limit on your offer. This compels people to act sooner rather than later.

10. Include a confident call to action. Always tell people what to do next after they’ve completed reading your marketing piece. Direct them to the next step in the buying process, and do it with confidence. Never say, “If you’re interested, call our toll-free number.” Instead, say, “Call our toll-free number today!”

11. Be sure your copy is at-a-glance friendly. Break up your sales copy with a liberal use of headlines, subheads, bullet points and brief paragraphs. This creates open white space around your copy, making it more inviting to the eye and more likely your prospects will read it.

12 Avoid clichés, hype and fluff. Make sure everything you write is believable and really means something. Hype and fluff doesn’t work anymore. People can smell it a mile away and it turns them off. Be honest, straightforward and provide needed details.