The question is as old as the craft of medical copywriting. Should your copy be long and detailed or short and sweet?

Some people swear the days of long sales copy have died and gone away because they believe nobody reads anymore (which would explain why Amazon sells so many Kindles).

However, a lot of online marketers make six figures a year using lengthy landing page copy that gives visitors all the information they need to make an informed buying decision.

So what’s the answer in medical marketing? The truth is, there is no one correct answer to this question, but there are several things to consider.

Your first consideration is the product about which you are writing. Some medical devices and services have more features and benefits than others. Writing for an innovative new liposuction device will typically require more copy than writing about a urinary catheter. The simple rule being: the more complex your product, the more copy required to describe and sell it.

Your second consideration is the medium for which you are writing. Medical journal ads compete with other print ads in the same publication. This makes it harder to hold the attention of readers, so writing shorter copy helps ensure all your words will be read. The same can be said for mobile ads where short copy is a must.

On the other hand, landing pages give you a chance to stretch out a bit. People expect to find out everything they need to know about a product on a landing page, so don’t be afraid to give it to them.

Another consideration is the purpose of your marketing piece. If you’re trying to generate no-obligation leads, you need only peak the curiosity of your audience. This means less copy.

If you’re trying to generate direct sales, you must provide all the information your audience needs to make a buying decision. This normally requires much more copy than generating a lead.

All of these guidelines are merely that—guidelines. There are no hard and fast rules when choosing the length of your copy. But whether your copy is long or short, be concise and don’t waste words. Tell your audience everything they need to know and then stop.