Want Your Marketing Messages
to Be Enticing and Compelling?

Then They Need to Have…

A definitive VOICE and PERSONALITY that’s informative… and CAPTIVATING.

Want Your Marketing Messages to Be Enticing and Compelling?

Then They Need to Have…

A definitive VOICE and PERSONALITY that’s informative… and CAPTIVATING.

Let’s Develop Messaging That’s Engaging and Entertaining

Your marketing messages should look into your prospect’s future and tell the story of how their life has been transformed after using your product or service.

However, your messaging should also be entertaining… so your audience actually enjoys it.

You can be funny, edgy, opinionated, authoritative, nurturing, primal… or whatever.

But you definitely need a memorable voice that conveys benefit-driven messages in a style that hooks and holds your audience.


Bust Through The Clutter and Get Eyeballs On Your Message

Ready to create marketing messages that’ll help you stand out in your market?

Then tap into the talents of a copywriting expert (that would be me) who has a ton of experience writing Core Message Platform™ and direct-response copy that…


Grabs the attention of your prospects … immediately


Details how cool your product’s primary benefits are


Paints a clear picture of the the transformation you provide


Motivates people to move through your buying process

Let’s talk about how I can sharpen YOUR voice and messaging, so you can attract your ideal prospects… and generate more sales!

Contact Me to Schedule Your FREE 30-Minute Consultation.

World-class copywriter

“Casey Demchak is world-class copywriter who has helped numerous Hasmark authors achieve international bestseller status with his persuasive sales writing expertise. If you’re an author, speaker, or a coach with a book or information product to market – you should contact Casey right now!”

Judy O'Beirn
Hasmark Publishing

Chris Scherpenseel

“We are extremely pleased with the detailed Core Message Platform Casey created for our company. It made it a snap to put together our website copy. By drawing from our completed platform, we also have assurance that our marketing messages will be strong and persistent across all our marketing channels.”

Chris Scherpenseel
Chief Operating Officer, Transworld Technologies, Inc.

Casey played a HUGE role in my book becoming an international bestseller

“The Core Message Platform Casey developed for my book, Journaling Power, played a HUGE role in it becoming an international bestseller. If you need moving, persuasive sales messages written for your books and information products, Casey Demchak should be the first name you think of! #WriteON!”

Mari L. McCarthy

Sharp, concise and on target

Diane Maroney, Author, The Imagine Project: Stories of Courage, Hope and Love

“Casey wrote sales messages for my book that are sharp, concise and on target. After pouring my heart into my book, it was very helpful having his fresh perspective and sales writing expertise just a phone call away.”

Dianne Maroney
Author, The Imagine Project: Stories of Courage, Hope and Love

You are so talented!

“I just wanted to reach out and commend you for a fabulous job. You are so talented! The copy is marvelous! I am also incredibly appreciative that you worked so hard to meet our deadline as promised.”

Leslie Joyce
Legal Impact Video

Karina Poirier

“Casey, I truly enjoyed reviewing the Core Message Platform you created for me. OUTSTANDING WORK!”

Karina Poirier, Psy.D., BCBA-D
Social Potential

You are EXCELLENT at your profession

“Casey-WOW!! This sales page for my book is absolutely incredible! If this does not get someone to purchase my book, then I do not know what will. Thank you so much. You are EXCELLENT at your profession!!!”

Robert Bloch
Best Selling Author, My Warren Buffett Bible

I highly suggest working with Casey

“Working with Casey allowed me to clearly express the value in my book, and to create a compelling message for my perfect readers. I have received so many compliments on the back cover! If you’re thinking about publishing a book or want to sell more books, I highly suggest working with Casey so you can make a great impact and bring consistent revenue with your book.”

Cloris Kylie
Bestselling author of Beyond Influencer Marketing

You made this whole process do doable

“Thanks so much Casey! Bless you, Bless You, BLESS YOU! You made this whole process so doable. Thanks for staying engaged and delivering beyond my expectations!”

Dr. Aimee V. Sanchez
Consultant and author of, Disrupt the Status Quo

Greg Olson

“The Core Message Platform Casey Demchak wrote for us was really spot on. The marketing messages he created were dynamic and persuasive. Having 15 pages of well-crafted marketing messages at my fingertips made it much easier to put together engaging content for all of our marketing channels. Thanks Casey!”

Greg Olson
Owner & Founder, Growl Digital Marketing Agency

Casey is one of the most impressive people I have ever met

“Casey is one of the most impressive people I have ever met. He is a brilliant copywriter that is more than capable of producing high-end results on any copy job from website, to video, to keynote speeches and more. More than that even, he is one of the most aware, heart-centered, kind, conscious, giving people I’ve ever met.”

Amber Vilhauer
NGNG Enterprises

My sales copy looks amazing

“Casey, my sales copy looks amazing – I feel inspired as I read it, and drawn into what’s next. I feel excited and encouraged. You did a fabulous job capturing my tone! I am totally happy with it as it is. You rock!”

Mary Ellen Bates
Bates Information Systems

Kim Guley

Builder Boost

“Casey, I am so pleased with your sales copy I could almost shed some tears!! This is wonderful and you nailed it. THANK YOU!”

Kim Guley
Builder Boost